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JET RED released their self-titled album in 1989. They rocked Northern California from then until the early 1990's. After seeing their amazing live show, I was and still am a fan. Willie Hines, lead singer, guitarist, and song writer, is an amazing performer. This band was as tight as any hard rockin' band at the time. The twin guitar sound of Johnny Feikert and Willie Hines coupled with the driving bass of Brad Lang (who has went on to play with Y&T, Ratt and is highly sought after in the music community) was accented by their superb vocals to give a lush, melodic rock sound that is sorely missing in today's rock scene. Their press kits tell it all but hear it for yourself.

Sadly, their record label, Relativity Records, did little to promote the band or the album and they had to finally call it a day. They disbanded not as enemies but as friends that realized that the music scene had changed and they were on the outside looking in (thank you grunge music....). But do not despair as Willie Hines continud to make music. His first solo project, “
Yeah Right”, was a natural extension from his past. A second Willie Hines release was a record named “Whatever” came out in 2014. Now, one can hear the latest release “Letters To Maria”.

The band members always have other projects so check the
Jet Red Facebook page for more updates!
Willie Hines “Letters To Maria” was released on October 26, 2018. It is available at the IAC Records website and all the usual places like iTunes, Amazon, etc.
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The second JET RED album "Flight Plan" was re-released in November 11, 2011.
For more details including downloading options, click on the album cover or go to the NEWS or Discography section.

JOHNNY has three new songs so to hear them, click here.
BRAD is keeping busy in a variety of projects. Check the
Facebook page for updates.
Interview with Brad (see here)

STEVE is keeping busy drumming for Tesla!
WILLIE HINES has five new songs. Want to hear them? click here.

Old ad from 1989
Guitar Player Magazine.
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Jet Red on June 23, 2017 in Modesto featuring Willie Hines, Brad Lang, Johnny Feikert, and Michael Frowein
JET RED played a birthday (“farewell”) show on July 29, 2017. Roll video below!
Please check back often and tell your friends. If your neighbor's aren't complaining, it's not loud enough!
See the
SOUND BIN for some goodies.....Also, new video uncovered from 1987 so see it and others now by clicking here!


comments can be sent to us here
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Reunion Show warm up in July 2010!! Awesome!!